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Itsuka Tenma no Kuro Usagi 01 v2 – Released

July 9, 2011

Sup, Itsuten ep1 out.
Except for excessive fanservice, censoring and plot-butchering, I’d say this first episode was actually much better than expected.

Considering that there’s still no .ts available, we’ll just go for share raws. And we might or might not do BDs later too. Though I’m not buying them this time around, so that’ll be completely dependant on when BD rips appear.
Most likely, we’ll be looking at Saturday releases for all episodes except those days when someone feels like slacking.
V1: Torrent
V2: Torrent
V2: FS/MU/HF/Some random filehost
And suddenly, there are bots everywhere. And [Derp]Desire seems to be dead.
No, no 300mb patch here. Go download the whole v2.

Also, as some might’ve noticed in the comments on the announcement post, there are some “special” words and stuff.
“Black magic” is one of them. Just sayin’.

And on another note, I’ve bought a SATA dock, so I’ve got those LOLHeroes encodes available now.
I might or might not release some LOLHeroes soon enough.

Edit: A ts appeared like, not too long after release. If one appears faster next week, we’ll use that instead.
Edit2: Missed the 軍 that appears on Gekkou’s phone when he gets a call. The caller is the “Military” faction.
Edit3: I’d like to announce a delay on ep4. I’mma be busy watching May’n the Macross Frontier Super Live concert on Japanese Playstation Home early in the morning on Saturday, July 30th, so I’m not staying up all night on Friday to TL Itsuten.
Edit4: I’m not entirely sure what we fixed in this v2. Except that we’re using our own encode (courtesy of tp7). Which also means we’ll probably delay our releases a few hours in the future. There was probably some random line that got fixed as well. And then there’s Squiggy’s beloved TS. And the font I forgot to add for the logo ( ¬‿¬).
Raw comparison. Because Squiggy wanted it here.

– Oosran

28 Comments leave one →
  1. The_Watcher permalink
    July 16, 2011 23:09

    All of a sudden a new group called “Herp” just released ep2 on nyaa. Is someone ripping you off?

    If a war is coming, make it entertaining. This summer has been dull.

  2. imaliar permalink
    July 16, 2011 16:54

    Are any stations broadcasting uncensored or will I have to wait for BD releases?

    • July 16, 2011 16:56

      As far as I’ve heard, none of the stations will air uncensored, so you will have to wait.
      Though of course, I’m not the most reliable source on the internet.

  3. July 14, 2011 16:45

    Thanks for your hard work! =DD

  4. July 14, 2011 16:43

    Thanks for your hard work! =D

  5. Kingal37 permalink
    July 14, 2011 04:50

    Yo thanks for the release.

    BTW did anybody else have problems playing the ending karaoke? It would stop and play for me.

  6. sdasd permalink
    July 11, 2011 11:27

    wtf is with the sound ? it’s like i’m under water

    • July 11, 2011 11:31

      Sounds just fine to me, and since no one else has complained about it, I’m guessing the problem is on your end.

      • TGEN permalink
        July 11, 2011 17:00

        Audio sounds fucked here as well. CCCP. On the v1 at least; haven’t tried the v2 yet.

  7. July 10, 2011 22:16

    This’ll be my first excursion into trying out your subs, so I look forward to the experience :) Thanks for the torrent!

  8. July 10, 2011 16:26

    You know… you guys… are absolutely übercool-awesome! Thank you sooo much. I didn’t know, you will do this, but I’m really glad for you :)

  9. dart permalink
    July 10, 2011 04:29

    You guys are awesome :D

  10. Fullmetal Physicist permalink
    July 10, 2011 02:26

    Glad to be returning to Derp Subs. I haven’t watched any of your releases since LOLHeroes so it’s good to be back for this season.

  11. Grievuuz permalink
    July 10, 2011 00:32

    I just had to look you guys up and comment on this, I’m about to start watching the first episode of Itsuka Tenma no Kuro Usagi, and I noticed the name you go by; Derp subs, fucking awesome lol :p

  12. dragon132004 permalink
    July 10, 2011 00:24


  13. AlexGK permalink
    July 10, 2011 00:03

    Well, if you are going to do a v2 anyway, you might as well fix some minor script errors that are easy to see, like the lines on 18:50 and 23:34 for example :)
    Just sayin’ ;)

    • July 10, 2011 20:58

      Yeah, we already noticed the one at 23:34. Not sure what’s wrong about the line at 18:50 though. That name is from the novels.

  14. July 9, 2011 22:04

    dont even dare to drop this series

  15. gumplug permalink
    July 9, 2011 20:56

    Derp finally stops being lazy bums and releases something. :) Thanks for the release and WTB moar LOLH BD!

    • July 9, 2011 21:05

      >WTB moar LOLH BD!
      Are we talking money now? ( ̄ー ̄)

      Well, I guess not. But anyway, I’ll get some more of those out eventually. I promise.

  16. larethian permalink
    July 9, 2011 20:12

    hmm, you probably not going to do a v2, but I thought you might want to know that you missed 軍 in the phone screen of Gekkou’s call.

    • July 9, 2011 20:49

      Too much :effort: to pull a v2 for that, but I guess I can put a note in the release post at least.
      Will add it though if we decide to do the BDs when they come.
      And all blame for missing Gekkou’s phone goes to Squiggy ( ゚∀゚)アハハ八八ノヽノヽノヽノ \ / \/ \ \ /\ / \ ノヽノヽノヽノ八八ハハア)`ν°)
      Edit: Okay, Squiggy wants to do a v2, so there’ll be a v2 sometime.

  17. July 9, 2011 19:24

    Excellent & Glad Derp is taking the series


  18. July 9, 2011 17:20

    waiting for next release! >_<)b

  19. Nubles permalink
    July 9, 2011 16:51

    Thank you soooo much been waiting for your release ;)
    keep up the great work!!

  20. WOAH permalink
    July 9, 2011 16:47


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